The Wassenaar Arrangement Plenary is the decision-making body of the Arrangement. These lists are updated regularly. Mission The Wassenaar Arrangement is the only multilateral forum for the control of exports of conventional weapons and war materials, and related dual-use goods and technology. The Wassenaar Arrangement is considerably less strict than COCOM, focusing primarily on the transparency of national export control regimes and not granting veto power to individual members over organizational decisions. (h) Contacts General information concerning the Wassenaar Arrangement and reporting obligations thereof is available from the Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Controls, Tel. India is keen to join the world's export control regimes, all four of them including the Wassenaar Arrangement, as part of its efforts at integrating with the global non-proliferation . The Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) is the first multilateral institution covering both conventional weapons and sensitive dual-use goods and technologies. Plenary Meetings are held at least once a year and the Plenary has established a General Working Group and an Experts' Group, which meet periodically. Attn: "Wassenaar Reports". W. Guest blog by James Gannon, Director and Principal of Cyber Invasion, Ltd. Forty-two countries participated in the Forum. It is the successor to the cold war-era coordinating committee for multilateral export controls. An immediate question is how the Arrangement should be revised. Wassenaar Arrangement was established on 12 July 1996 becoming a successor to the Cold War era Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls (CoCom). Wassenaar Arrangement's predecessor, the Coordinating Committee on Multilateral Export Controls, was established to control transfers of advanced dual-use technology in the North-South and East-West context, the Arrangement's objectives have moved beyond that, requiring it to be more democratic and inclusive. THE WASSENAAR ARRANGEMENT (Agreed at the WA Plenary, December 1998) The Wassenaar Arrangement (WA), the first global multilateral arrangement on export controls for conventional weapons and sensitive dual-use goods and technologies, received final approval by 33 co-founding countries in July 1996 and began operations in September 1996. The WA received final approval by 33 co-founding countries in July 1996, and began operations in September 1996. . The Wassenaar Arrangement has been established in order to contribute to regional and international security and stability, by promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies, thus preventing destabilising accumulations. The position of Plenary Chair is subject to annual rotation among the Participating States. The United States successfully negotiated research-use exceptions to export controls on surveillance tools at the December 2017 meeting of the Wassenaar Arrangement, a club of advanced economies that coordinates export controls. In 2013, the Wassenaar Arrangement, a 41-country international forum that seeks consensus among its members on dual-use export controls, adopted new controls on "intrusion software" and "carrier class network surveillance tools." The purpose behind these controls is worthy: protecting human rights activists and political dissidents from . The Wassenaar Arrangement is a grouping of 42 countries, of which India is the latest entrant (on December 8) that seek to bring about security and stability, by fostering transparent practices in . the wassenaar arrangement on export controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies (wassenaar arrangement) contributes to regional and international security and stability by promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies, thus preventing destabilizing The Wassenaar Arrangement has a permanent Secretariat, headquartered in Vienna. Meetings are normally held in Vienna, Austria, where the Arrangement is based. On July 12, 1996, a United States-led group of thirty-three nations adopted the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Con- ventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies ("Was- senaar" or "The Arrangement").' The Arrangement purports to attain 1. The Wassenaar Arrangement (full name: The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies) is a multilateral export control regime (MECR) with 41 participating states including many former COMECON (Warsaw Pact) countries. . The talks were part of the Wassenaar Arrangement, an agreement between 41 countries to govern the export of dual-use technologies, with a view to discouraging sales to regimes that might abuse them. Findings show that regional trends of weapon imports and economic activity between 1980-2013 Constructed with oppressive regimes in mind, the Wassenaar Arrangement was meant to protect citizens from having their human rights abused. HEADQUARTERS 100 Bureau Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20899 twitter (link is external) facebook (link is external) linkedin (link is external) instagram (link is external) youtube (link is external) rss; The U.S. About Wassenaar Arrangement. Purposes 1. to regional and international security and stability, by promoting transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use Representatives of Participating States meet regularly in Vienna where the Wassenaar Arrangement has established its headquarters and a small Secretariat. The Wassenaar Arrangement was established on 12 July 1996 in Wassenaar, the Netherlands by 33 founding members to contribute to regional and international security and stability. He discusses the. Katharina Mrozek Freelance Translator I Editor I Proofreader with Tourism/Lifestyle, Luxury Retail & Int. All member states regularly exchange information and report arms transfers/denials on a six-monthly basis (shorter time-frames are applicable in some cases) to ensure transfer risks are . The Arrangement which is not a treaty includes exchange of information by member countries in total eight broad weapons categories like battle tanks, military aircrafts, warships, etc. . This week's episode explores some of the latest global issues affecting peace, security, and international cooperation. The Wassenaar Arrangement Plenary is the decision-making body of the Arrangement. The agreement took on new significance after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Wassenaar Arrangement means The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual -Use Goods and Technologies that was reached at the Plenary Meeting of representatives of 33 states in Vienna, Austria on July 11- 12, 1996 and is described in the Initial Elements summarizing the conclusions of that meeting. The United States has improvised on Wassenaar . U.S. Department of State The Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) is the first global, multilateral arrangement covering both conventional weapons and sensitive dual-use goods and technologies. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute SIPRI, Signalistgatan 9 SE-169 72 Solna Sweden Telephone/switchboard +46 8 655 97 00 Dual-use goods are those that can carry out routine tasks but also military-style attacks. This thesis examines the Wassenaar Arrangement and asks to what extent it has achieved its stated purpose of preventing "destabilizing accumulations" of conventional weapons. Currently the Participating States of the Wassenaar . The Secretariat comprised about 30 persons, headquartered in an annex of the US Embassy in Paris. 1 The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies was established on the basis of the Initial Elements adopted in July 1996 (see The Australia Group (AG) for control of chemical and biological technology that could be weaponized The Missile Technology Control Regime for the control of rockets and other aerial vehicles capable of delivering weapons of mass destruction The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies [ 1] So we posted an announcement seeking people in non-Wassenaar countries to participate in distribution and development of free software . The Wassenaar Arrangement controls consist of two lists : a conventional munitions list and a dual-use goods and technology list. (202) 482-4479, Fax: (202) 482-3345 or (202) 482-1373, or Email: (202) 482-4479, Fax: (202) 482-3345 or (202) 482-1373, or Email: Departments of Commerce and State will renegotiate an international agreement - called the Wassenaar Arrangement - that would place broad new export controls on cybersecurity-related software. The WA is designed to prevent destabilizing accumulations of arms and dual-use . . The Wassenaar Arrangement Company Name The Wassenaar Arrangement Main Industry Management Consulting, Business Services Website Contact Information Headquarters 125 Sussex Dr, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G2, Canada (613) 996-2387 Sydney, New South Wales Office Esmeralda 1212 piso 11, Sydney, New South Wales, 1007, Australia What are dual-use goods? The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies is a multilateral export control regime with 41 participating states. The Wassenaar Arrangement is a voluntary export control regime whose members exchange information on transfers of conventional weapons and dual-use goods and technologies to prevent destabilizing accumulations. They permit ordinary encryption technology, but they may still demand that you decrypt your information as part of their border controls, in the interests of their National security.Please also note the exceptions below regarding Russia and Ukraine. The name comes from Wassenaar, a suburb of The Hague, where the agreement to start such multi-lateral cooperation was reached in 1995. Abstract. Contact: Daryl Kimball , Executive Director, (202) 463-8270 x107 The Wassenaar Arrangement, formally established in July 1996, is a voluntary export control regime whose 42 members [1] exchange information on transfers of conventional weapons and dual-use goods and technologies. But it already represents some notable achievements for . wa-list (13) 1 - 2 - 04-12-2013 table of contents page list of dual-use goods and technologies The Wassenaar Arrangement can be a difficult topic to approach because it deals with "good guys" vs the "bad guys". ISPAB June 2015 Meeting. Decisions are made by consensus. Our first information about the new Wassenaar Arrangement came in the form of a newspaper article, which said that export of encryption software would be prohibitedand this seemed to include free software. The Wassenaar Arrangement. The Wassenaar Arrangement advocates implementation of effective export controls on strategic items with the objective of improving regional and international security and stability. With the exception of China, all the other permanent members of the U.N. Security Council are signatories of the WA, which is headquartered in Vienna. The aim is also to prevent the acquisition of . These export controlsrequirements that organizations selling or sending technologies with potential military applications abroad obtain a license from the Commerce . General information concerning the Wassenaar Arrangement and reporting obligations thereof is available from the Office of National Security and Technology Transfer Controls, Tel. Members of Wassenaar Arrangement . Dual-use means that the goods in question can be used for both civilian and military purposes. The goal is to promote transparency and greater responsibility in the transfer of arms and dual-use goods and technologies in an effort to improve national and international . Ms Ashley Mller: The Wassenaar Arrangement was created to promote regional and international security and stability by adding export controls on conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies. A Secretariat for administering the agreement is located in Vienna, Austria. What is Wassenaar Arrangement? The WA received final approval by 33 co-founding countries in July 1996, and began operations in September 1996. The Wassenaar Arrangement was established in 1996 to promote transparency and security in the exchange of conventional arms and dual-use goods. It succeeds COCOM, which was disbanded in 1994 after it became apparent that the Cold War's East-West export controls no longer were appropriate. Wassenaar Arrangement (The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies) An initiative of more than 30 countries, including the U.S. and U.K., that restricts the export of armaments and other products such as cryptographic software and hardware to particular regions or countries in the world. Countries in the Wassenaar Arrangement permit the use of the simple kinds of encryption technology that you can purchase on the open market. The problem is, everyone has different defi Wassenaar Arrangement | 259 followers on LinkedIn. With the exception of China, all the other permanent members of the U.N. Security Council are signatories of the WA, which is headquartered in Vienna. Wade Boese . Wassenaar Arrangement Control Implementation (PDF) Event Details. Established in 1996, the Wassenaar Arrangement is a voluntary export control regime, whose forty-two member countries exchange information on transfers of conventional weapons and dual-use goods and technologies, and produce the base classification tables for both Dual-Use and Munitions List items. [ 63 FR 2458, Jan. 15, 1998] Editorial Note. The Wassenaar meeting was intended to create a post-Cold War approach to controlling exports of conventional . WA member states meet periodically in Vienna where the Wassenaar Arrangement has established its headquarters and Secretariat. the wassenaar arrangement on export controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies list of dual-use goods and technologies and munitions list . The WA was designed to promote transparency, exchange of views . History is littered with dual-use technologies, which by definition can be used for good or bad. The Wassenaar Arrangement is just an initial international framework that will need to be elaborated and defined more fully. The Arrangement is open on a global and non-discriminatory basis to prospective adherents that comply with the agreed criteria. The body came into being in 1996 to succeed the Cold War-era Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls. At the annual year-end plenary of the Wassenaar Arrangement, held December 6-7 in Vienna, 33 of the world's leading weapons exporters amended the arrangement's founding document by adding a new section declaring that Wassenaar members would continue to prevent terrorist organizations and individuals from acquiring conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies that . It is composed of representatives of all Participating States and normally meets once a year, usually in December. The Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) is an alliance of States with the aim of pre-venting the destabilising accumulation of conventional weapons and dual-use goods that contribute to them. JD.COMThe Wassenaar arrangement and the future of multilateral export contro Createspace Independent ! The COCOM Cooperation Forum was established in 1992, with the goal of progressive relaxation and elimination of export restrictions, and had its first meeting in Paris in November 1992. on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies The Wassenaar Arrangement O Contributes to regional and international security and stability O Promotes transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies and works to prevent their destabilising accumulations O Complements and reinforces the . The goal of the Arrangement is to "promote transparency and greater responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies". (202) 482-4479, Fax: (202) 482-3345 or (202) 482-1373, or E-mail: 1995 Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, Final Declaration. The 33 co-founding states met in Wassenaar, Netherlands on 19 December 1995, and issued a declaration at the Peace Palace in The Hague. Learn under the International Organizations series with objectives, headquarters, members, and formation.Topics Discussed:1. This rule harmonizes the CCL with the decisions reached at the 2019 Plenary meeting by revising Export Control Classification Numbers (ECCNs) controlled for . As Hong Kong enjoys relatively free access to the Wassenaar Arrangement controlled dual-use goods and technology, the government is committed to enforcing controls of the Arrangement. The Wassenaar Arrangement has control lists that document the dual-use goods and technologies. [1] The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Good and Technologies . It is the successor to COCOM, a NATO based group that discussed arms exports to non-NATO states, though the membership today is a lot more broad. The term goods includes commodities . Starts: June 10, 2015 Ends: June 12, 2015 . The Wassenaar. In May 1996 41 countries came to Wassenaar, a small town in the Netherlands, to sign what was to be called the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies. Meetings are held in Vienna, where the Arrangement has established its Headquarters and a small Secretariat. It is composed of representatives of all Participating States and normally meets once a year, usually in December. However, in 2013, the legislation was amended to include . to Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) 2.45K subscribers We had the chance to interview Ambassador Philipp Griffiths, Head of the Secretariat of The Wassenaar Arrangement. Wassenaar Arrangement 2016 Plenary Agreements Implementation, 38764-38819 [2017-16904] Download as PDF . The Wassenaar Arrangement Plenary is the decision-making body of the Arrangement. The Wassenaar Arrangement, named after the suburb of The Hague where the 1995 agreement took place, seeks to boost international security by promoting transparency and responsibility in transfers of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies, thus preventing destabilising accumulations.