Anyone experiencing pinpoint pupils with no apparent cause should see a doctor as soon as possible. Generally, medications taken systemically will not cause anisocoria since both pupils will constrict or dilate but can cause anisocoria if the medication gets into only one eye. the eyes to constrict. Benzodiazepines Similar to alcohol, benzodiazepinesat recreational doses can cause altered blurry or double vision. When the powder is sniffed, effects are produced within 1-3 min and last for about 30 min. Amphetamines Molly, MDMA, Ecstasy, and similar drugs can cause pupil size changes and blurred vision. In some cases, small pupils may indicate a drug overdose or other drug This means that the individuals pupils will become pin-pointed (constricted) or extremely small. One of the most likely reasons someone might have pinpoint pupils is the use of narcotic pain medications and other drugs in the opioid family, such as: codeine. Mental & emotional state. What diseases cause small pupils? These common medications can cause issues with your eyes: Alendronate (Fosamax) is one of a class of medications called bisphosphonates that treat osteoporosis. methadone. Brain injuries. Hypertension medications Some high blood pressure medications, such as tetrahydrozoline, can cause small pupils. heroin. Certain prescription eye drops, such as pilocarpine, carbachol, echothiophate, demecarium, and epinephrine, can also cause pinpoint pupils. Cocaine triggers the release of a hormone called norepinephrine. Examples of hallucinogens include LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin mushrooms. Which Drugs Make Your Pupils Small? morphine. Certain medications for anxiety, muscle spasms and seizures, such as diazepam (valium) and antihistamines like diphenhydramine (benadryl), can cause the pupils to shrink. The most popular psychedelics include LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, and ketamine. But there are other side effects of meth abuse as well. The dilated pupils drugs cause is often a visible sign that a person may have used or abused a substance. fentanyl. yes it does all opiates cause myosis (small pupils) as long as you hit a certain point of mgs your pupils will go into myosis. Having high levels of these chemicals leads to cocaine eyes. Addiction to this drug can cause damaging side effects to the general health of the person who uses the drug that tend to be noticeable to others. In stark contrast, there are some drugs that can actually cause your pupils to shrink. Substance abuse: Opioids are the most common drug associated with pinpoint pupils. There are two ways cocaine causes dilated pupils: Cocaine triggers the release of brain chemicals like dopamine and endorphins. Causes of unequal pupils can include: 2. [Total: 0 Average: 0] codeine. Cranial nerve damage: This can occur due to a stroke (a blockage of blood flow or bleeding in the brain), brain aneurysm (defect in a blood vessel), or a brain tumor. Substances that may be causing your small pupils include: Antihistamines These drugs are commonly used to treat allergies. oxycodone. These drugs One of those effects is on the eyes. Prescription Opioids (Narcotics) Prescription opioids, also known as narcotics, are used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Diagnostic criteria. Narcotics, Topiramate (Topamax) treats seizure disorders, migraines and mood disorders. In high concentrations, it may cause cycloplegia, and in chronic users, exophthalmos and retraction of upper eyelid can occur hydrocodone. methadone. Cocaine causes dilated pupils because of inhibition of reuptake of norepinephrine. 7. Studies reveal that people taking methadone show smaller pupil diameters. Along with pupil size, And since pupil dilation is a common symptom of drug abuse, understanding which drugs cause this noticeable condition is an important step in helping to navigate addiction. Smaller, constricted pupils are an indicator of opioid use. Certain medications for anxiety, muscle spasms and seizures, such as diazepam (Valium) and antihistamines like diphenhydramine (Benadryl), can cause the pupils to shrink. Small pupils may be caused by opiates, clonidine, organophosphates, pilocarpine, and prostaglandins. Certain drugs Cocaine eyes, also known as cocaine pupils, refer to how the pupils appear after they have taken cocaine. hydrocodone. Some drugs cause your pupils to be less able to react to changes in light. Pinpoint pupils are not a disease on their own, but they can indicate an underlying medical problem. Fentanyl: Fentanyl, also spelled fentanil, is a powerful opioid used as a pain medication and, together with other The most common drugs that cause dilated pupils are: Alcohol Since alcohol contains ethanol, the body reacts to the substance with mild to moderate symptoms. These drugs cause the pupils to dilate, often becoming so large that the eye appears completely black. morphine. Drugs can cause a pupil to change in two ways by dilation making the pupil larger or constricting the pupils. Non-opioid drugs that can cause constricted pupils include: Hypertension medications such as clonidine or tetrahydrozoline Antipsychotics MAO inhibitors and other antidepressants, and Ya heroin and other opiates cause small pupils usually. Horner syndrome A rare condition caused by a tumor, stroke or Additionally, the stimulant medication used in Narcotic substances, both legal and illegal, such as heroin, hydrocodone, morphine, and fentanyl, constrict the pupils. Many drugs can work on the brains neurotransmitters and affect the dilation of the pupils. Xanax, a benzodiazepine drug, can also make pupils dilate since it affects the activity of neurotransmitter GABA that relaxes the muscles. Poisonings. Drug Effects on Eyes: Redness, Dilated & Pinpoint Pupils Insurance Providers Addiction Take the Survey Addiction by Substance Alcohol Ambien Barbiturate Benzodiazepine Cocaine Fentanyl These include: SSRI antidepressants Amphetamines MDMA (ecstasy/molly) Psilocybin LSD (acid) These drugs can enlarge your pupils by affecting a neurotransmitter called serotonin. Cocaine tends to affect the eyes in a couple different ways. Changes in pupil size are an indicator that a person might be intoxicated on illicit or recreational drugs. Multiple sclerosis (MS): MS is a chronic neurological disorder that causes symptoms affecting vision, movement, sensation, and more. Stroke or Here are some internal and external issues that may result in dilation: Dim lighting. Lower doses can cause constriction gradually over time. There are many possible causes of dilated pupils that are not drug related. In particular, methamphetamine causes the pupils of your eyes to be dilated (become larger). Substances that can cause dilated pupils include the following: Illicit drugs, such as bath salts, MDMA, LSD, mescaline, and methamphetamine Prescription drugs, such as amphetamines, antidepressants, benzodiazepines, ketamine, muscle relaxants, and stimulants Over-the-counter drugs, such as decongestants and nicotine oxycodone. Pinpoint pupils These drugs can also cause nystagmus. What causes pupils to be unequal? Norepinephrine dilates the eyes. One of the signs of overdose at high dosages is pinpoint pupils that do not react to changes in light. 6. Possible Causes of Dilated Pupils. Only two drugs constrict the pupils those being opiates and alcohol. Besides having pinpoint pupils, are there any other signs you've noticed? Almost all drugs cause changes in the eyes, whether they dilate or pinpoint, become bloodshot or glassy. Nystagmus is a rapid quivering of an individuals pupils, indicating eyes on drugs. It also blocks the hormones reabsorption. Abusing heroin, fentanyl, or prescription painkillers can cause your pupils to constrict. Commonly misused drugs that dilate the pupils include: amphetamines bath salts benzodiazepines cocaine and crack cocaine crystal methamphetamine ecstasy ketamine LSD fentanyl. Eye injuries. Some first-generation antihistamines, such as Atypical Pinpoint pupil size may occur with the use of certain drugs such as heroin, morphine, fentanyl and other opioids. What drugs give you small pupils? heroin. Opioids such as fentanyl, heroin, and oxycodone can cause your pupils to become significantly smaller in It can cause blurred vision, eye pain, conjunctivitis and double vision. For example, ingesting Many of the causes of pinpoint pupils are serious medical conditions, such as opioid dependency or pesticide poisoning. When a person uses opioids, the parasympathetic nervous system contracts the circular iris sphincters, making the pupils small.